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- September 9, 2022
This has been quite a week for Project Light Rowan. Two of our board members attended three anti-human trafficking conferences and meetings in Raleigh over a four-day period. The first day was an eight-hour conference for law enforcement. One hundred officers from all over NC signed up for this program. One of our board members was on the committee that presented this program. In summary in order for maximum effectiveness to combat human trafficking, nonprofits and law enforcement must work together. Project Light Rowan is eager and ready to work with all law enforcement in our county. We are currently developing a plan to make all 10 towns and the Sheriff's Department aware of our mission and capabilities. Well, that was day one. I will follow up on another entry to continue our summary of the conventions. One last thing. WE NEED MORE MEN INVOLVED IN THIS BATTLE!!! Come on guys get on board with us. More later. Jim
- August 11, 2022
Project Light Rowan is so thankful to our Rowan community for their support and partnership in our efforts to stop Human Trafficking in our county. We are getting the word out on Awareness, Precautions, and Reporting. A special thank you to the Kiwanis Club of Salisbury for their generous support as we battle Human Trafficking in our area. Their financial support and essential bag items allow Project Light Rowan to continue its mission. Hats off to the fantastic Kiwanis Club of Salisbury. Jim
- August 5, 2022
The last two weeks have been very exciting and productive for Project Light Rowan. Jim was included with a small group to participate in a special presentation at the Present Age Ministries headquarters. The purpose was to align our training and presentation programs. They are a great organization. Project Light Rowan is also coordinating together with the Rowan Salisbury School District to provide essential training and presentations to staff, students and parents. Project Light Rowan was invited to speak at two events on Saturday, August 6th. Our President Jim spoke at the Pray Rowan gathering at the Dearborn Chapel at Catawba College. Later on this same day Miriam Basso and Jim were invited to speak at a Latino family gathering at the First Baptist Church in Salisbury. Gabby Ortega, the Miss NC Teen also spoke to the group. Jim
- Project Light is Incorporated!
We expect our nonprofit status to be approved within a couple of weeks. A special thank you to our supporters who are making this possible. Project Light Rowan has an additional website and we are designing this site for our youth. More on that later. Project Light Rowan has been invited to Christiana Lutheran Church on Hwy 52, Granite Quarry on July 31st at 8:50 am. A light breakfast will be served at 8:50 followed by a presentation on human trafficking. Please join us in the fellowship hall. We have also been invited by Pray Rowan to speak at the chapel at Catawba College on August 6th at 10 am. Please join us. We have posters and handouts available. Let us know if you need any. Let’s get these posters on the walls of Salisbury. Call us if you need us. Jim
- Remembering Robin Shue
Many of you folks are aware that our Treasurer, Robin Shue, passed away on June 22nd. Robin is with The Lord, but we sure miss her already. During the Celebration of Life, an event to honor and remember Robin, Project Light presented the family with the following plaque. Jim
- July 6, 2022
Well, folks, we are halfway thru the year, and Project Light Rowan has been very busy. We have accepted many presentation requests, and the audience's response has been very encouraging. Just a reminder that we can provide Hispanic presentations too. We are still looking for assistance in the following areas: Schools Law Enforcement Churches Municipalities Businesses Medical First Responders Individuals Please contact us if you are interested in assisting in any of these areas. Project Light will sponsor the cost for zoom classes. We need you. Please keep a watchful eye for any signs of Sex or Labor Trafficking and report your concerns. Call 911 in an emergency or call the hotline 1 888 373 7888. Stay safe. Jim
- June 21, 2022
Wow, where has the time gone. We are so close to July 4th. This will be a time of large gatherings and unfortunately predators looking for young victims. If you are a parent please talk to your children about the dangers of trafficking. If you aren’t sure contact us. If you are a young person please consider all of your actions and the environment and take care of yourself. Have a safe holiday and contact us if you need us. Jim
- June 7, 2022
Supply and Demand Let’s say someone had an idea that everybody would like a 15-foot beautiful piece of wood to plant in their front yard. Well, they made thousands BUT no one wanted one. In other words, they didn’t have any BUYERS. If we didn’t have any buyers for sexual human trafficking we wouldn’t have the business. Well, how can we achieve this? A victim of Human Trafficking recently commented on this. We have a picture of a buyer but there is not one picture. Buyers are teens, college kids, businessmen, churchgoers, fathers, grandfathers, and the list goes on. WE MUST GET THE WORD OUT TO EVERYONE THAT SEXUAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING IS RAPE!! Project LIGHT is in the school system and making presentations in churches of all denominations. We are also speaking at clubs and organizations. Please help us to communicate to buyers and potential buyers that this rape. Jim
- May 17, 2022
Good morning everyone. Just wanted to give you a quick update. Project LIGHT partnered with Present Age Ministries this week and we were able to spend the day at East Rowan HS and talk about Human Trafficking to 5 classes resulting in addressing over 100 teens. Several teens signed up to help Project LIGHT. We are working thru that now. We have commitments to speak at the Civitan and Rotary Club. I am meeting with a couple next week about joining our battle against Human Trafficking. I have a special project for them. We are processing our application for nonprofit status. If you are reading this website and would like to play an active role in battling Human Trafficking with Project LIGHT please contact me. We are growing and need all hands on deck. I am having to decline or postpone some activities due to the lack of workers. Human Trafficking is getting closer to the front burner with our officials both locally and nationally and we are all needed. Thanks, Jim
- May 9, 2022
Folks, we need to have regular conversations with our youth on some do’s and don’ts regarding their protection from being victims of Human Trafficking. Please WAKE UP. it is real, and it is all around us. Although our youth think they know more than us, tell them anyway. Don’t Don’t make friends on the internet too quickly. Human Trafficking predators are all over the net looking for victims. Don’t get in a vehicle with someone you don’t know or know anything about them. If you have to, just run away. Don’t be too quick to go to that party. Do you know the people and really believe you will be safe? Don’t take that drink from someone. Pour your own non-alcoholic beverage. There could be drugs in the drink. Don’t make friends too quickly. There are youth your age working with pimps and predators to lure you into their domain. REALLY! Don’t go anywhere you feel unsafe. If something is telling you it feels wrong, get away from it. Don’t trust anyone. It is sad to say, but some family members can abuse you. Do Do stay alert to your surroundings. Do tell someone if you are being violated. Do choose your friends carefully. Do be very careful on the internet. Do Know that you are important and have a great future ahead of you. Jim
- May 6, 2022
Good day everyone. Wow, I can’t believe it is May already. I have some wonderful news for you. Are you ready? AARONS RENTAL gave Project LIGHT a very generous check to keep our work going forward. Thank you Aarons Rental. Please let them know how we appreciate their support as we battle Human Trafficking. This brings me to my next comment. We need more volunteers. Do you have a heart for this battle? We need you. Project LIGHT will 100% financially sponsor you for zoom training courses with Engage Together and Justice U. I have personally completed their training and it is well worth your time. Call me on my cell phone at (704)-202-8143 if you are interested? I attended a National zoom meeting on Human Trafficking today. It was suggested that we ask agencies, organizations, and folks, “What would you do if a victim of Human Trafficking needed help?” I ask you the same question. If you don’t know maybe you need to spend some time with Project LIGHT. ONE victim of Human Trafficking in Rowan County is one too many. Get on board today. Thanks, Jim
- April 29, 2022
Good day everyone. I have a special message to parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers, and anyone that has any influence on teenagers. They need to know the signs and dangers of Human Trafficking. Please wake up. It is all around us. I don’t care that teenagers think they are in their thirties and know everything. They are very vulnerable. Many reports are saying 12-14 is the prime victim now of predators. I am sorry but tell them to trust no one. If they have a bad or uneasy feeling about something get away from it. Could be people, parties, or location. I heard a professional say most victims say they didn’t feel good about the situation they were in but didn’t leave. Please monitor the teens' social media. It is your duty parents. There are also many signs and things to be aware of that could indicate someone is being trafficked. Here are some of the signs. Appearing Malnourished Showing signs of physical injuries and abuse Avoiding eye contact, and social interaction, with authority figures/law enforcement Seeming to adhere to scripted or rehearsed responses in social interaction Lacking official identification documents Appearing destitute/lacking personal possessions Working excessively long hours Living at the place of employment Poor physical or dental health Checking into hotels/motels with older males and referring to those males as a boyfriend or "daddy", which is often street island for a pimp Tattoos/branding on the neck and/or lower back Untreated sexually transmitted diseases Small children serving in a family restaurant Security measures that appear to keep people inside an establishment Not allowing people to go into public alone, or, speak for themselves Jim