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- April 20, 2022
The Project LIGHT team met today to discuss past, current, and future activities and accomplishments. Below is a summary of some of the highlights. Project LIGHT website: We are getting great reviews on our Project LIGHT website. We had almost 400 hits in the first two weeks. Several team members have taken advantage of enrolling in the Engage Together classes being funded by Project LIGHT. Jim offered this again to those interested. These are great basic Human Trafficking online courses. I recommend them to anyone. If you are interested in joining the Project LIGHT team we can probably enroll you in the Engage Together training at no cost to you. Join the team and help us fight the Human Trafficking battle. Recent activities: Partnered with Dr. Alberta McLaughlin and Delta Sigma Theta (DST), Omega Fraternity, and NAACP for events to recognize Human Trafficking. This included a zoom presentation and painting the city red. Project LIGHT also set up a booth in town and passed out awareness cards with NAACP and Salisbury Police Department Project LIGHT is serving on the following committees: Alliance for Freedom, Restoration, and Justice (AFRJ). A national Committee. North Carolina Coalition Against Human Trafficking (NCCAHT) Present Age Ministries. An NC effort working with law enforcement Presentations: We were invited to speak at the local Rockwell Amvets Post recently. This is a great Post with a heart to help combat Human Trafficking. Project LIGHT has been invited to several other locations to discuss Human Trafficking. We are working on the schedule at this time. "WE NEED TO BE IN ALL OF THE SCHOOLS." It is rewarding to witness Barb Meidl of RCCC and her efforts to bring awareness to Human Trafficking. We are in the process of submitting a grant request to hire a part-time teacher to work with the schools and organizations. Present Age Ministries has certified teachers to go to schools. Project LIGHT wants to be able to assist with the expenses. You can donate now on this website. No amount is too small. A shout out to the Salisbury Police Department for their training and emphasis on Human Trafficking and also the Nazareth Child and Family Connection. When you have an opportunity to mention Project LIGHT and Human Trafficking please take advantage and help with the awareness. We received a call from Wyoming talking about our work in NC. That’s great but Rowan County folks need to be educated. We need a leader and volunteers in each of the following areas. Schools Law Enforcement (Sheriff's Office and all 10 towns.) Churches (All denominations) Municipalities First Responders Medical Businesses General Public Other IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE TEAM AND BE A VOLUNTEER PLEASE CONTACT US AT projectlightrowaht@gmail.com Together we can win. Join the battle today. Jim
- March 23, 2022
I am encouraged that several organizations and agencies at the State and National levels are actively fighting the war on Human Trafficking. I believe with regards to sex trafficking that we need an all-out awareness campaign. People need to know what the major signs of sex trafficking are and how and to who to report their findings and suspicions. We also need to increase the penalties for the buyers. They need to know that they are committing rape. What can you do? Contact Project LIGHT and volunteer your services. Project LIGHT will provide professional training as we are able. WE NEED YOU NOW! Please don’t think this is a problem outside Rowan County. It is. worldwide problem. We are making a difference and can do so much more with your help. Jim
- March 11, 2022
We are so dependent on internet and phone service. I was preparing to attend the Committee I serve on with the North Carolina Commission Against Human Trafficking when Verizon lost its services. The Zoom meeting started at 10 am. Oh well. I figured this was a good time for an update. There is an upcoming meeting with Dr. Watlington and staff members regarding anti-Human Trafficking programs in the school system. That is answered prayer. I like Dr. Watlington, and I think he has a heart for the children. I will keep you updated. I recently presented a program to the Rockwell Amvets Post. Posters and awareness cards were passed out—what a great group of Vets. At the conclusion, they passed the hat and presented us with $209. That is in addition to the previous $300. Wow! We are aware of some folks who need our help, I will go shopping and purchase some essential items for them. I am working with some folks on our website. This is a critical need for us to reach more people and organizations. Hopefully, it will be up soon. Robin is getting us signed up on 211. It will include our email and phone and eventually our website. projectlightrowanht@gmail.com 704-223-6143 A lot is going on in our world today, and there are many needs. “The squeaky wheel gets the oil. We need to keep Human Trafficking awareness on the front burner. If we don’t, who will? Thanks for your support as we fight this battle. Jim
- March 4, 2022
Wow-what a great weekend we had fighting with the evils of Human Trafficking. The Delta Sorority along with the Salisbury Police, NAACP, and our Project LIGHT made an impact in our County. Thank you, everybody!!! Project LIGHT is gaining ground. Special thanks to Kymbriana, Gemale, Cpt. Thompson, Miriam, and Kaisha for their presence and working the booth Saturday. We have a new email address that we will start using with this email. projectlightrowanht@gmail.com We also have a Project LIGHT cell phone: 704-223-6143 I will be meeting with Dr. Watlington next Thursday. I have asked Renee to go with me. We must get into the schools. We received a $5,000 donation from Duke Energy. Praise the Lord! We have other grant requests going out. Kristen Trexler informed me that we will have a Novant employee join our efforts. We are getting requests to do programs in churches and clubs. We are preparing more bags to hand out to needy and vulnerable folks. Please consider what you can do to help in any of these areas? Jim