The Mission of Project Light Rowan: Awareness, Precautions, Reporting Human Trafficking.
We are very active in getting the Awareness of Human Trafficking out to our community and beyond. A big thank you to all who support our efforts.
PLR was recently on iHeart radio for a 30-minute interview, supported Rowan Helping Ministries in providing needed items to folks, and comforted them with words of encouragement.
We also presented to the children at Nazareth Children’s Home. PLR will have a booth at the Fun Fest at Nazareth on June 3rd.
Our Celebration Fundraiser will be on August 18th and will include great food, entertainment, testimonials from survivors, and a live auction. Tickets are available now. See Jim or Linda before they are all sold.
More great news in the newsletter next month.
Please pray for the victims. Survivors and for Project Light Rowan as we fight against this terrible human trafficking.